Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students,
Singapore has been easing its Covid Border Measures for travel in recent months. Therefore, please take note of the Covid-19 Vaccination Requirements for entry into Singapore. Under Singapore’s Vaccinated Travel Framework, travellers who are fully vaccinated with WHO EUL vaccines [1], as well as non-fully vaccinated children aged 12 and below, are permitted to enter Singapore without the need for entry approvals, testing, or a Stay-Home Notice (SHN).
To be considered fully vaccinated, the travellers must minimally have taken the following WHO EUL vaccines at least 2 weeks before arrival in Singapore:
(1) At least one dose of CanSinoBIO/Convidecia or Janssen/J&J, or at
(2) At least 2 doses of AstraZeneca, Covaxin, Moderna/Spikevax, Covishield, Novavax/Covovax/Nuvaxovid, Pfizer/BioNTech/COMIRNATY, and Sinovac or Sinopharm.
(3) Mixed doses and boosters using these WHO EUL vaccines, and vaccination with recovery are also acceptable.
For the full definition of acceptable vaccinations and dose intervals for entry to Singapore, please refer to https://safetravel.ica.gov.sg/arriving/overview#vaccination.
Travelers who do not meet the vaccination requirements above are considered non-fully vaccinated. This includes those who are medically ineligible or who took non-WHO EUL vaccines. They will need to apply for MOE entry approvals, which can be done at https://go.gov.sg/moe-entry-application, at least 1 week before the intended date of arrival. If approved, travellers will be subject to prevailing border measures (i.e. pre-departure test, 7-day SHN, and an exit test). They must undertake to complete the full vaccination regimen within 2 months of arrival, unless medically ineligible and certified by a Singapore doctor. Parents and Students are also strongly advised to check the Safe Travel website at https://safetravel.ica.gov.sg/arriving/overview for more information on the latest requirements and plans before traveling to Singapore.
COVID-19 vaccination requirements for the grant of new STP
Since 1 Feb 2022, COVID-19 vaccination has been a condition for the grant of new long-term passes, including STPs, for those aged 13 and above [2]. STP-In-Principle Approval (STP-IPA) holders must have their vaccination records (or medical ineligibility) updated in the National Immunisation Registry (NIR) [3] to complete formalities for the pass issuance.
[a] https://www.moh.gov.sg/news-highlights/details/adjusting-our-approach-to-manage-the-omicron-variant_26Dec2021 (Para 18)
[b] Those who were vaccinated in Singapore will have their records automatically updated in the NIR. Those vaccinated overseas may refer to https://www.moh.gov.sg/covid-19/vaccination/faqs---post-vaccination-matters for instructions on ingesting their overseas vaccination records in the NIR.
Those who are medically ineligible or need to enter Singapore before being fully vaccinated (subject to MOE approval) are encouraged to arrive early to complete the requirements (e.g., get certified as medically ineligible/ complete the vaccination regimen) before their terms start.
Thank you,